Structural Design

With over 30 years of experience in providing structural reports and inspections for all types of properties and structures, our engineers can assist you with a quick turnaround time for your report.

No matter if you need an engineer report for your house, commercial or industrial structure. The team at B.Waddell Consulting Engineers are here to help.

Our Consulting Engineers support the Greater Perth and surrounding regions for investigations and the preparation of structural reports to assist you to remediate damaged or failing structures.


some of our recent work

We are a long-established, independent building services and home improvements company. We have a wealth of experience working as main building contractors on all kinds of projects, big and small, from home maintenance and improvements to extensions, refurbishments and new builds.

Winder Building Certification

The Winder Building was imported from South Africa and required structural certification to ensure the structure complied with Australian…

Dugald River Return Fines Conveyor

Dugald River Return Fines Conveyor design and certification. The design included the design of conveyor trusses, transfer stations and structural checks of the transfer chutes for the Dugald River return fines circuit.

Hv / Lv Refuelling Facility

The temporary refuelling facility catered for light vehicles together with both autonomous and manual haul trucks. BWCE completed the structural design and documentation of the…

Manganese Plant WA

Structural design and certification of platforms, screens and ore sorter supports for new manganese process plant. The design also included design and documentation of footings…

Koolyanobbing Cone Crusher Replacement

The removal and replacement of the two existing cone crushers at the Koolyanobbing mine site required structural checks and modifications…

LNG Storage and Re-Vaporisation

LNG storage and re-vaporisation facility in the Kimberley. BWCE compiled the design of earthworks, foundations, skids, pipe supports and miscellaneous steelwork.
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